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Dolphin Technology's hardened I2C PHY and I2S PHY provides a complete physical interface between bus and core logic to make a device I2C/I2S compliant. It is fully compliant with the I2C and I2S specifications.

The following TSMC process nodes are supported:


  • 16nm FF+, FFC

  • 28nm HP, HPx, LP, ULP

  • 40nm G, LP, ULP

  • 55nm GP, LP, ULP, EF

  • 65nm GP, LP


Dolphin's  I2C controller and I2S controller is designed to quickly and easily integrate into any SoC, and is optimized to provide a complete solution when combined with Dolphin's I2C/I2S PHY IP.

It is designed for 0.85/1.05 core VDD and 1.8V VDDO with support for Standard-mode, Fast-mode, Fast-mode Plus, and High Speed bus protocols. This is a fail-safe IO (VDDO can be powered down) and can tolerate 1.8V at the pad.


Dolphin’s I2C/I2S Controllers support all TSMC process nodes.

Dolphin Technology, Inc.   333 W Santa Clara Street, Suite 920   San Jose, CA  95113

Tel:  +1 408-392-0012     Fax:  +1 408-392-0090

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